Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Where do I begin?

It's been SIXTEEN months since my last post. While I'd love to give a recap of the last year and almost a half, the reality is I can't remember what I had for dinner two hours ago. So trust me when I say it's been a blur.

Quick recap - I birthed baby number THREE, haven't slept properly in six years, changed a gazillion diapers, have eaten my weight in hotdogs and goldfish crackers, watched Owen graduate preschool and become a big kindergartener, put Lyla in preschool, and lots of other fun in between. And that brings us to today.

To officially welcome her to the blogaverse, I'll post a picture of our sweet Lucy. Happiest baby ever. Born just two days before Christmas (that's Dec 23rd if you can't count), she's adored by all who meet her - but most especially by her brother and sister.

The picture was taken on her first birthday (thanks Angelica Thomas!). She's my first kid who actually ate the cake - Owen was sick on his first birthday and Lyla has a strong aversion to icing that will likely serve her well in later years.

It's good to be back.

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