Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Just wanted to take a quick minute to wish everyone a Happy Father's Day! And by everyone, I really just mean the dads of the world. =) I am so grateful for all of the father figures in my life (Dad, Grandad, Terry, Father in-law) and to be married to one AMAZING father (that's you Kevin). And then of course, we are all incredibly adored by our Father in Heaven - and that's pretty amazing!

1 comment:

ellieandavasmommy said...

Just wanted you to know that you take amazing pictures! We got the girls' pictures made with the "big name" in Evansville and they are horrible! I take way better pictures and am considering beginning to take some pictures on my own - starting with my own kids, but branching out to friends and family because it's ridiculous around here when it comes to choices for photos.