Friday, April 11, 2008

The biscuits in the army...

Anyone who went to Concord Elementary in the 1980's knows this song. Our beloved music teacher (yes, in a public school - every week) Mrs. Beard used to sing this funny song..."The biscuits in the army; they say they're mighty fine; till one rolled of the table and killed a friend of mine..."

I was thinking rolling today.

I put Lyla down on her back in the floor this morning while I sat beside her fumbling with the Tivo remote. I missed "the Office" last night, so I was enjoying the awkward dinner party with Michael, Jan, Jim, Pam and friends - suddenly I looked down and there she was on her tummy! Gosh doggit, I missed it - figures. Some day she'll ask about her important milestones and I'll be able to recount that I missed them because I was watching TV.

I'm quite sure I just missed out on the Mother of the Year trophy. However, Mrs. Beard would be proud that I know all the words 25 years later.

here she is just after the roll...

1 comment:

Karin said...

We missed Eric rolling over for the first time, too. He was in his crib for a nap. I think you still have a shot at that trophy, even though you were watching THE BEST SHOW ON TV!