Monday, April 7, 2008

thanks for asking...

Everyone keeps asking about sweet Lyla's little head. Yes, it's crooked. Sort of. She has some "boding" - I think that's what the doctor called it - of the skull. Simply put, there's a knot on one side of her forehead. One ear is further forward and one side of the face fuller. Funny, but it's hard to see in 3-D and easier to see in the mirror.

Anyway, we go to a specialist tomorrow to hear our options. I think a little helmet is the most common solution. Thanks to all who have called and emailed to ask. Sorry I'm slow in replying. I'll keep you posted.

She's still the cutest baby I know. =)

1 comment:

ellieandavasmommy said...

that last picture of her is precious! I had no idea - we'll be praying for you - keep us posted.